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Controlled foreign companies: problematic issues and tips for controlling persons for the future


Controlled foreign companies: problematic issues and tips for controlling persons for the future

Novеmber, 21, 11:00 - 13:30

Format: Online

YouTube live

We invite you to join the “Controlled foreign companies: problematic issues and tips for controlling persons for the future“, the second event in our AVELLUM Taxember series, which will take place on 21 November 2024, at 11:00 (Kyiv time).

This webinar will be useful for controlled foreign companies (“CFC”) shareholders and legal advisors working with private clients and family offices.

We will share our experience of the first major CFC declaration campaign, highlight the issues relevant for CFC controlling persons and provide practical recommendations for the future reporting periods.

We will present some problematic CFC reporting issues, including specific cases of CFC determination, the impact of the Common Reporting Standard on CFC reporting obligations, and reporting of Ukrainian dividend payments.


11:00-11:10 EET. Introductory speech by Anton Zaderyholova, partner at AVELLUM.

11:10-13:00 EET. Main discussion.

Artur Voilov, associate at AVELLUM — Artur will cover key topics related to CFCs, including some cases of determining control over a company, strategies for CFC declaration, issues surrounding the transfer of CFCs to trusts, implications of family ties in CFC ownership transfers, challenges in determining actual control over CFC, and considerations in case of changing tax residence of controlling persons.

Kateryna Omelchuk, associate at AVELLUM — Kateryna will address the CRS-related issues, key considerations for bank account holders in Ukraine and abroad, the timeline and countries with which Ukraine will exchange tax information, as well as the type of information accessible to tax authorities, the CRS potential impact on CFC position of controlling person, and critical points to watch for.

Taisiia Duda, senior associate at AVELLUM — Taisiia will discuss the payment of dividends from Ukraine in the context of CFC rules.

13:00-13:30 EET. Q&A session.

This is the second of three events in our AVELLUM Taxember series, where we’ll be exploring crucial tax-related topics throughout November 2024. Stay tuned for announcements about the upcoming webinars in this series.

*The webinar is free of charge and will be held online in Ukrainian. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the event or in advance via the registration form. The number of participants is unlimited, but registration is required. Please note that the webinar will not be recorded.

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Posted on November 11, 2024

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