Fewer barriers, more opportunities: new rules for industrial parks

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Fewer barriers, more opportunities: new rules for industrial parks

On 11 February 2025, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted Draft Law No. 12117 “On Amendments to Legislation on Improving the Operation of Industrial Parks” (“Draft Law”) as a basis.

The Draft Law aims to simplify setting up and operating industrial parks (“IP”), making them more competitive and attractive to investors.

In particular, the Draft Law introduces:

  • the concept of an “eco-industrial park”, where all parties will cooperate to use each other’s resources efficiently, reduce waste and pollution, and promote sustainable development
  • the right of an IP initiator to also act as the management company directly, eliminating the need for a separate legal entity
  • the requirement for IP participants to carry out business activities exclusively within the IP
  • expansion of IP participants’ activities to energy production and storage, including renewables
  • removal of the IP from the Industrial Parks Register if its area is reduced to less than 10 hectares, resulting in the loss of state benefits
  • setting up office premises, food outlets, hotels, dormitories, hostels, dual-purpose facilities, renewable energy facilities, and energy storage facilities within the IP territory
  • access for IP initiators and management companies that lease property to the business lending programme with reduced 5-7-9% rates
  • transfer of ownership rights to the IP land plots and the subsequent change of the IP initiator

These amendments will further promote the investment attractiveness of industrial parks as a tool for rebuilding Ukraine.

For more information about setting up and operating industrial parks, please contact Maksym Maksymenko, partner of the Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Energy practice.

Posted on March 7, 2025

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